Hello readers, you may have noticed that the last post on this blog was in March 2009. If my math is right that was almost 15 years ago.
Over the years I shifted to making personal posts on social media, but I'm thinking maybe it's time to shift back to actual blogging.
So, here I am again. I figure this is a nice easy place to share interesting things and my various thoughts without worrying about algorithms and followers and such.
There were some folks following this blog by email, but since FeedBurner turned off their RSS to email option, they won't be notified of this post. And following feeds directly has mostly gone out of fashion. So I'm not expecting many people to read this, which is actually kind of nice.
This month I'm going to be following the WordPress Bloganuary prompts to get back into the swing of writing.
January 1: What are your biggest challenges?
One of my biggest challenges is actually completing new projects. Either I don't start or I get distracted and then end up moving on to something new.
I was thinking about restarting my personal blog a year ago, mostly prompted by the changes over on Twitter/X.
But I needed to decide on whether to continue blogging here, or start a new blog. And do I need a new design? What about a custom domain? And ooh, there's another shiny project over there to focus on ...
And suddenly a year has passed. Or 15 years.
So, I've decided just to do it. I updated the blog theme so it's at least using a responsive design and will read OK on mobile devices. I have a bunch of changes I do want (and need) to make, but this year I'm not going to let that get in the way of writing.
If you are reading this, do you have similar struggles?