Friday morning was chilly and a bit overcast, so we bundled up to head towards the Whitney Museum via Central Park. The park has kind of a stark beauty this time of year, with the largely leafless trees and browning grass. One thing I hadn't realized was the size of it. Sure I could see that it's 50 or so blocks long, but I hadn't really put that into context. We strolled for a while and only saw a fraction of it. The sun finally came out completely and it was a brilliant day.
Our goal was the Whitney Museum of American Art, for which we had tickets. The museum wasn't actually open yet when we arrived there, so we wandered a bit down Madison Avenue looking at the fancy shops, and decided to find a place for lunch. We settled on the Viand Coffee Shop. I had a big piece of spinach pie (since I had been feeling a bit vegetable-deprived) and Gene had a salmon burger. It was tasty and filling after our walk.
We then headed back to the Whitney, and spent a leisurely couple of hours browsing the collection. The Alexander Calder exhibit was especially interesting, with 3-dimensional wire portraits, moving sculptures that anticipate his famous mobiles, and an entire circus-worth of performers. The circus characters were meant to be in motion, but the museum simply showed Calder's movie of them in operation: