After eating such a big dinner, we definitely needed a stroll, so we decided to head down 5th Avenue. It felt exhilarating - not just being out in the fresh air, but there being so many people walking down the street just after 9pm on a Wednesday night. It did seem a bit strange that there were so many cops standing around. And the fact that there were barriers up in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral seemed a bit odd - maybe there had been a protest? Of course if we had read a newspaper or turned on the TV before dinner we might have had a clue: they had
just lit the Christmas tree in front of Rockefeller Center. When we arrived, there were still big crowds on both sides of the street, so we joined them ogling the pretty lights.

We also enjoyed looking at the Christmas window displays. Of course all of the jewelry stores had removed their wares from the windows, but the department store windows were all decorated. The windows at Saks, which is across from Rockefeller Center, told the story of Mike the Snowflake, who dreamed big and became a big success by believing in himself - very uplifting. There were also hippies and dinosaurs, which apparently embody the spirit of the season. Or something.

More to come . . .